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Environment, Energy and Commerce

Absolutely everything that affects our life – the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe – is impacted by the safety of the environment in which we live. Furthermore, in a post-pandemic world, data modernization is vital to advancing public health decisions as well as creating a more resilient wireless supply chain.  Congressional committees will continue to have vast and broad jurisdiction over these issues and make daily decisions that impact lives for generations. We stand ready to guide you and help you understand the current policies that cannot only affect your business but also your health.


In addition, if your area of concern falls within telecommunications, food and drug safety, environmental quality, energy policy or interstate and foreign commerce, you can count on our staff of former congressional staffers to guide you through one of the oldest and more revered legislative committees in Congress. Our decades of experience with these legislators and their staff allow us to devise the best strategy to tackle any congressional action that can affect you.

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